Want to become more memorable and more profitable without spending a lot of time or money?
Laser coaching gets you a full year of 15 minute one-on-one Zoom meetings on your marketing questions for just $997 That’s less than $84 a month!
FREE bonus with sign up is the WHYos Discovery
Everything you need and Nothin’ you don’t based on 30+ years of making independent professionals stand out from the crowd.
We offer solutions that get real outcomes. You’ll know delivery dates and costs up front.
Vision, Mission, Brand plus a lead generator website can be yours for as little as $600/month. WHYos bonus.
Ben Franklin called the Mastermind group he formed a “Junto.” He credited that group with his business success.
The Z-axis Junto is limited to a maximum of 10. Members assist each other in monthly meetings and get hands-on marketing help plus:
Product Development
Book Writing and Editing
Speaking Professionally
all for as little as $1500/mo.
Lazer coaching helps clients:
Get funded
Develop pitch decks
Find distribution
Brand new products
Network to new business
Learn buyer language
Name products/services
Market without money
Turn contacts into contracts
Close deals
Write proposals
Establish credibility
Get social marketing savvy
Build Trust
Activate their WHYos
Every business, like yours, is built on networking initially. You are the one on the front lines.
The power of purpose
Every Client we work with is given a FREE WHYos Discovery.
Knowing your WHY, the innate purpose, the operating system you live by, strengthens all your relationships, as a leader, a team member, and an independent professional.
Your expertise is not marketing. You should not expect to be an ace at generating a strategy and building the messaging.
We are frequently asked to assist with:
When you can't seem to get a site written so that it gets results, we can help. When your tired of staring at that blinking cursor because your web jockey told that you have to write the site content, we can help. When you've had it up to here trying to make your site look different, we can help.
It takes a consistent Brand to become memorable. It starts with your name. We always recommend that your name is part of your business name because in the business you're in people will use your name as their memory cue. Your name plus a positioning tag line that is always there generates memorability. The services you deliver that work will build your credibility. Let's talk about messaging that will make you stand out from the crowd
The New Normal demands that you have some way of keeping track of prospects (CRM or Contact Relationship Management) but more importantly maintaining that contact via sequences of outreaches via e-mail or text or a combination. Today, with the right all-in-one software some AI and a knowledgeable expert you can manage a million dollar business as a solopreneur. Let's talk about putting my messaging expertise to work for you.
Clients asked me to start a monthly mastermind group because they wanted to share their experiences and learn new skills from men and women who had “been there, done that and got the T-shirt.
The idea came up after the Covid crisis ended when I hosted a Weekend Getaway for some of the most successful entrepreneurs I’d worked with for years.
In looking for a name I found that Ben Franklin was one of the early adherents.
According to Wikipedia:
“The Junto, also known as the Leather Apron Club, was a club for mutual improvement established in 1727 by Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia. The Club's purpose was to debate questions of morals, politics, and natural philosophy, and to exchange knowledge of business affairs.
All of Jerry’s experience and software mastery as needed.
Monthly Zoom Mastermind
Help to write, edit and sell your book.
Coaching to speak like a pro.
Annual all expenses paid Getaway Weekend